Your Session
The biggest mistake that doctors make is that they seek to the treat the body without attempting to look at the mind or even what caused the disease in the first place. However what they fail to realise is the mind and body are one and should be treated as one.
Many clients find extraordinary events or synchronicities occurring when they book a Quantum Healing Session. Some clients have reported " Angelic voices " on their recordings .Pay attention to your dreams and your life !
Booking the Quantum Healing Session:
Please fill in the online questionnaire.
We will email you back . Each session is bespoke and we can give you a quote for your unique session.
We have a clinic in London or at the Hilton Hotel in Cobham , Surrey.
We only focus on one client per day and never charge you any extra if we run over!
Millionaire's Mindset Session:
The focus is on health , wealth and abundance . We are here to manipulate energy i.e to create things . We will discuss your outlook on success , wealth and finances . Many clients have reported astonishing outcomes both during and after the session.
We offer unlimited time during the session , It takes as long as it takes and we will be on hand to answer all of your e-mails in the run up to the session.
We offer online and clinic and also sessions at the Hilton in Cobham, Surrey.
Before the session:
Prepare 5 questions about your life and 5 about your body. This is the exciting part - you have the chance to get answers about everything you always wanted to know and ask for healing.
Here are examples of popular questions: Why am I here? What is my purpose or mission in life? Why is this happening to me? Why did I create this illness ?
In your questions be as specific as possible. Put them in order of highest priority.We can find answers for the most important 10 questions in a single session. The questions should be about you and only you ( including your relationships of course ).
- If you are on medication is it possible to consult your doctor to see whether you can pause it?
- It is advisable ( only if possible ) to abstain from alcohol for a week before the session. Furthermore any self-medication such as pain-killers, and antihistamines should be avoided before the session.
- Allow ( at least ) 4 hours in your calendar for the session and it is advised not to schedule meetings/calls directly before or after your session.
During the session:
You always remain in control. You can go to the bathroom , sit up , open your eyes during the hypnosis. and can come out if you want to.
You will always be aware of what your body is communicating to you.
The majority of people feel conscious throughout the session and remember most things.
Albert Einstein wrote "Be creative. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
The ego will reject change and perceived reprogramming it stays on the side and can listen in to everything.
The imagination and the higher self take over and create change and healing .The session is to move you forward and break you out of old unhelpful cycle.
Being in the state of Theta feels like a" Floaty , blissful , dreamlike feeling. Where emotions can come up and healing can occur. " .
Sarah is very experiened and will be on hand at all times to help you. According to Dolores Cannon , the client " Simply cannot lie under hypnosis . It's impossible."
How does it work remotely?
Energy can be transported through space and time which means that healing can take place over geographical distance.
This is also proven in quantum entanglement ( although this is a very scientific explanation).
All of my clients have been very surprised at how well the energetic connection has been so far and have received everything they needed.
We are all connected in an energetic sea, much like fish in the ocean. Therefore location doesn't really need to bother us.
After the session:
When the conscious mind comes back you will have changed and he may not like it initially. But change and healing occurs and will continue as you follow the advice given during the session. It is important to listen to the recording after the session so that your conscious mind also accepts the new journey and does not take you back to where you began.
It is imperative to go over the recording of the session and again and to follow the messages you will give yourself during the session.
Unlike other techniques in the field of self-healing this technique is so strong that it will require in almost all cases only a single session, although occasionally new questions come up, so in very few cases some clients decide to come in for a repeat session.
This session is completely confidential. It focuses on complete healing.
The technique applied is proven successful for over 40 years and certified through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (Dolores Cannon).
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